The Girl In The Mist

As the wind blew onto the cold shore A cold mist blew across the shore it almost felt as some one  was watching and there was a little girl named Megan I’ll tell you a little about Megan she was born in a abusive environment one day when she was nine her body gave way and after 5 weeks of being in this state child services came to Megan’s house and they took her to the hospital when they found her in the state of when she fell when they got to the hospital Megan was going in and out of  consciousness it was like this for a week while the doctors were doing tests it turns out that she had a heart attack kids her age don’t usually get heart she didn’t attacks but the place she lived wasn’t healthy and she died at the hospital.

2022 Rawhiti School Production Te Karoro Karoro

In term 3 2022 Rāwhiti school held a production each class put on a show around 6-7  minutes long. Our class (Tāwhirimātea) was about the wetlands and how all the animals ended up dying off then at the end on the last English chorus we all came together and sang. The songs we dance and sang to were called love your ways by Salmonella dub and don’t forget your roots by six60 (te reo) the first song with waves and wind were sound effects. The costumes were just black so that the black brought out the masks. I am a black swan I didn’t make the mask but the construction group  made all our props and masks but the person that made my mask is named Zita. The most difficult part was when we had to change numbers a little bit because some people weren’t coming, but at the end it turned out to be and amazing show and i’m really exited to do it again tonight.

the show

Once on a cold snowy night the reindeer had a fantastic idea “let’s do a show” said the reindeer “ but where would we do it in this cold weather, there no patch without snow”  said  cotton fluff

“ It’s fine we’ll get all  our friends,” the reindeer remarked. “But your our only friends said fluffy cotton” “ yes your my Beeeeeest Friends but I know a lot more animals than you think.  “Fine then If you don’t want to be our friend we’ll leave and you’ll never see us again you can make the show without us with you other friends” the squirrels in unison. ” who cares if you leave I’ll make the show by myself ” the reindeer replied sarcastically. 



For math we have been working with angles and we had to show our working I madre an imovie and made this showing you about angles.


My tessellation is made up of  3 shapes and 8 colours. 3 different shades of green, 1 shade of purple,1 shade of blue peach and gold. I used a right angled triangle. a square and a rhombus




over the past two weeks we have been learning about sound.

The ear

The ear is made up of lots of little parts that make you hear. like the ear drum the sound hits it after going through the ear canel. The  the ear drum and it vibrates and goes through to the cochlea, the cochlea goes to the nerve and that sends it to the brain and you brain tells you ” hey wait I’m hearing something” and it also tells you what it is and where its coming from. There are also there sections of your ear, they are called the outer ear the part that you see, the middle ear that has your ear canel and your ear drum,  your inner ear has your cochlea and the nerve.

How sound travels

We learnt how sound travels it travels by moving from the particles in the air to other around them, which make them vibrate then they travel to the ear and vibrate to the ear drum, still moving from particle to particle. Then that goes to the cochlea and sends the message to your brain, and your brain tells you what it is and where its coming from.

Hearing  sound

Hearing sound is just a bunch of vibrations like when your knocking a table. the vibrations move from the table and vibrate through the air particles. But if you were  far away you wouldn’t hear it because the vibrations would have stopped by then.

Te Ahi Ora

On Monday our class did a fire dancing program and we learnt how to do tricks like spinning the staffs around your neck (without fire) throwing them in the air and catching them with one hand. The people that taught us to do these tricks were named Josh and Chris.  On Monday the 13th of  September from 6pm till 7pm you can go to the back field of Rawhiti school you can watch a live fire show and with your family’s you can spin /throw fire yourself. On Monday the 5th of  September  they  had a show in  the front of the school the had a fire show at 12:15 pm with Chris making fire balls it looks like he breathed fire.

The Bridge

Cora  and Mateo were walking through the woods and they came to a old run down bridge. Cora held her little brothers hand tighter as she did know where the bridge lead to Mateo started giggling and said ” Sissy this is where the old man is let’s go”  Mateo was only 4 but he had been going on about his dream since they had came to the woods. Cora was only 14 and she didn’t think that he actually had a dream with an old man and she thought that it was very creepy for her brother to make up . ” come on sissy let’s go Mateo started again sorta like he was in some sort of trance and he started moving forward quite slowly. Cora couldn’t  just stand there so she followed her rather creepy brother after a few minutes she started interrogating  Mateo  but he didn’t react all he did was stare into the wild and then minutes turned into hours and Cora got really hungry and started looking for food Mateo was still in his trance until they met a temple covered in  moss then a snake came out and Mateo snapped out of his trance and his dogged the snake but Cora wasn’t as fast the snake bit her and she dropped to the ground turns out the snake was the deadliest in the world and it killed Cora now its headed staight  at Mateo… and they were never seen again.